Pure Water is very important for Human life. Today Eureka Forbes has come with an awesome deal of free demo of Eureka Forbes Dr. Aquaguard Water Purifier. Water Purifiers from Eureka Forbes combine the best of technology and expertise to provide a wide range of products that give utmost purity and supreme quality. So, take it for free home demo.
Dr. Aquaguard water purifier eliminates new age contaminants like lead, pesticides, heavy metals and other chemical and inorganic impurities. It also removes all known disease causing bacteria, virus and cysts present in your water. Besides preserving essential minerals and nutrients. Thus giving your family not just pure, but healthy water.
Note - A water purifier is the need of every household these days. Say a goodbye to impure water with Dr Aquaguard. Also get a free demo before you actually buy it.
How to avail this offer ?
1- Visit here
2-Enter Name, E-mail, Address, Mobile, State, and City.
3. Verify the mobile number through One-Time Password sent to your phone
4- Click on "Get Home Demo"
That's it !! Your request will be registered and you might also receive a call to confirm your free trial booking.
Free Demo by-
Dr. Aquaguard is available only through their trained water specialists who conduct a water check at your home.