Now pay your gas bill online via Paytm and get flat Rs.25 cashback on Rs.250 or more. Pay now and save more via Paytm !!
How to get flat Rs.25 cashback on Gas bill payments of Rs.250 or more? :
1 . Start paying your bill here or use the App
2 . Select gas provider and click Proceed
3 . Enter your Consumer number and procced
4 . Apply the promo code “GASBILL25” and you will see a success message
5 . Make the payment with the available options
6 . Done !! Cashback of Rs.25 will be credited instantly.
Terms and conditions :
- Use Promocode GASBILL25 to be eligible for this offer.
- Flat ₹25 Cashback on Gas bill payment of ₹250 or more.
- Promocode can be used only once per user and once per CA number.
- Please make sure to apply the Promocode before clicking on “Proceed to Pay”
- Cashback will be credited within 24 hours of the transaction into user’s Paytm Wallet.
- We reserve the right to end any or all offers at our discretion without any prior notice.