Now Book Bharat Gas on ICICI Pockets app. Get flat 10% Cashback (up to Rs 50) on Booking Bharat Gas. Also use code BPYMAY2020 for 10% up to 50 rs cashback. SO, Hurry up!! and grab it fast.
How to get Get flat 10% Cashback (up to Rs 50) on Booking Bharat Gas?
2. . Open the app and Login to Pockets and click ‘More’
3. Now, Select ‘Pay bills’ and click on ‘Add/Pay new bills’ and choose ‘Biller category’ as HP CL/ BHARAT GAS
Also use code- BPYMAY2020 for 10% up to 50 rs cashback
4. Finally, Choose ‘Biller’, specify details >> Enter amount >> apply Coupon:- “BPYMAY2020” and pay using your wallet. That's it !!
Bingo !! You will soon get 10% cashback on your Pockets wallet ?
Terms & Conditions:-
- Code BPYMAY2020
- 10% Cashback
- Max Rs 50
- Bharat Gas Booking