Planning to watch your favorite movie? Paytm has an offer for you. Now get 50% cashback upto Rs.150 on booking movie tickets. Most expected Bahubali is releasing on 28th and watching it with a offer like this is a treat.

Get 50% Cashback upto Rs.150 on 2 movie tickets

Also use the code "MOVIE150on booking 2 or more tickets

Use code - "AFFMOVIE" for Rs.160 cashback

Use code - "SAVE200" for Rs.200 cashback (Account Specific)

How to get 50% cashback upto Rs.150 on booking 2 tickets? :

1 . Start booking your tickets HERE or use the App

2 . Select the city, movie, showtime and select at least 2 seats (2 tickets)

3 . Proceed to the payment page and apply the promo code "SAVE150and you will see a success message

paytm movie SAVE150

4 . Make the payment with the available options

5 . Done !! 50% cashback upto Rs.150 will be credited in the wallet soon.

Terms and conditions :