iQOO 3 mobile was released recently with 5G feature, Snapdragon 865 chipset and 180Hz response rate perfect for gamers. Now get Rs.5000 off on buying iQOO 3 via Prepaid transaction only at Flipkart.
How to Get Rs.5000 off on buying iQOO 3 via Prepaid transaction? :
2. Add product to cart
3. Login/Register
4. Enter your address and contact details carefully .
5. Select suitable payment option as Credit,Debit Cards & Netbanking & CLC.
Offer details :
- Rs.5000 off on all prepaid transactions (Limited Period Only) on purchase of iQOO 3
- Offer is valid from 19th March (00:00 hrs) to 22nd March (23:59 hrs)
- Offer applicable only on one transaction per Card.
- Minimum Net Cart Value (NCV) should be Rs.33,000 to avail the offer.
- Offer will not be applicable if partial payment is made through Flipkart Gift Card