LG's flagship device LG V30+ of 4GB RAM with powerful Snapdragon 835 Processor. Now buy LG V30+ (Black, 128 GB) (4 GB RAM) at flat Rs.4000 off at Rs.23999 only at Flipkart.
Final Savings :
MRP – Rs. 60000
Sale – Rs. 23999
Discount – 60%
How to Buy LG V30+ (Black, 128 GB) (4 GB RAM) at flat Rs.4000 off? :
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Features :
- 4 GB RAM | 128 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 2 TB
- 15.24 cm (6.0 inch) QHD+ Display
- 16MP + 13MP | 5MP Front Camera
- 3300 mAh Battery
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Processor