Babyoye has launched a very exciting camoaign for its new users where you get to enjoy a flat Rs 200 discount on your first order. The best thing is that there is no minimum cart amount required to use the Rs 200 discount coupon however you just need to pay Rs 50 shipping charges. So you can order stuff worth Rs 200 for just Rs 50 only. So what are you waiting for ? Hurry up and place the order now :)

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How to get this offer ?

1 . Visit babyoye here

2. Now register for a new account

3. Add any items worth Rs 200 or more to  cart except nursing, diapering and feeding category

4. Apply coupon - NEWAF200 to get Rs 200 discount

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5. Make the rest of payment

Enjoy !!

Suggestions to buy -

1 . Johnson Baby Products

2. A variety of Kids Toys

3. Himalaya Baby Products

4. School & Stationary Items

5. Kids Shoes

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