After Mi and Oneplus' Campaigns on Diwali, its now time for Oppo to come in the game. Following its competitors' footsteps, Oppo has also launched a small game which depends on how much traffic you get to Oppo's page and you can win a brand new Oppo Smartphone also. Hurry up and start sharing this with your friends to win.


How to win gifts from Oppo ?

1 . Visit offer page here

2. Sign up via facebook

3. You will now get a gift to open which may also be a simple Diwali Wish


4. Click on "Continue Play"

5. Now start sharing your link on facebook. More traffic you bring, more are your chances to unlock the elements. With the progression to each new element,you need to invite more friends from Facebook, than the last element, in order to proceed in the contest.

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