Discounts on Flight ticket, Hotel booking and Bus ticket only at Yatra with Onecard for a limited time. Now get flat 15%, 10%, 20% and 15% off on Domestic flight, International flight, Domestic Hotel and Bus ticket booking with Onecard every Thursdays !!

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How to Get flat 15%, 10%, 20% and 15% off on Domestic flight, International flight, Domestic Hotel and Bus ticket booking with Onecard? :

1 .  Download Yatra app Android || iOS

2. Now enter the origin and destination and select the date of travel and number of adults

3. Now a list of available Airlines or hotels will be shown. Select the one according to your needs

yatra onecard offer

4. Now enter your email address and traveler details like name etc

5. Apply Coupon Code:- “YRONE” to get discount on booking

6. Finally, proceed to checkout and pay via Oncecard. That’s it !!

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