Ixigo is back with an offer for International flight ticket booking. Now all Ixigo users can get 10% Ixigo money upto Rs.5000 on International flight ticket booking at Ixigo which can be used to book next ticket. Start booking now and save more !!
How to Get 10% Ixigo money upto Rs.5000 on International flight ticket booking? :
1 . Visit ixigo or use the App
2 . Login/Signup for an account
3 . Search for your International flight
3 . Select the flight you prefer from the search results (Choose a travel partner with the Ixigo money offer mentioned with the fare).
4 . Enter passenger details and apply the promo code “FEST10” and you will see a success message
5 . Make the payment with the available options
6 . Done !!
Terms and conditions :
- This offer is valid for all users.
- You must apply coupon code: FEST10 at the time of booking to become eligible to earn 10% ixigo money (upto Rs.5000).
- ixigo money offer is valid on Cleartrip, Yatra, Cheapticket and Sastiticket.
This offer is valid till 12th September 2018.
- ixigo money can only be availed on the latest app version.
- This coupon code is valid for one-time use only.
- ixigo money will be given against each unique flight booking ID. It is independent of the number of flight tickets booked.
- It is mandatory to login through your Google+ or Facebook account (or fill the sign-up form) to earn ixigo money. Your details would be absolutely safe with ixigo.
- You will receive your ixigo money within 24 hours of your booking confirmation.
- The availability of ixigo money is subject to the participation of ixigo’s select partners in this program.
- You can earn ixigo money only for bookings where the ixigo money amount is mentioned against the booking partner at the time of flight search.