Buy Sony ILCE-5000L/B Mirrorless Camera with 16-50mm Lens Kit at Rs 9999 from Reliance digital. It has 180 tiltable LCD screen and Soft Skin effect mode and 20.1MP Exmor APS HD CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X image processor and Wi-Fi/NFC capabilities and PlayMemories Camera Apps. So Hurry up!!
Final Savings:
MRP – Rs 33990
Deal Price – Rs 9999
Discount – 71%
Note- Flipkart is selling at Rs 33990
How to Buy Sony ILCE-5000L/B Mirrorless Camera with 16-50mm Lens Kit at Rs 9999?
2. Click on “Buy Now”
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5. Select payment method from Card/Netbanking
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- 180 tiltable LCD screen and Soft Skin effect mode
- 20.1MP Exmor APS HD CMOS Sensor
- BIONZ X image processor
- Wi-Fi/NFC capabilities and PlayMemories Camera Apps