Built a new house or moved to a new house or doing a make over to your house? Shouldn't you make it look nice and cool? Now buy all the items that can make your house look colorful and premium at great discounts via paytm. Yes, paytm is offering great discounts and also upto 50% cashback on home decors like Curtains, Blankets & Quilts and other home furnishing stuffs. Get everything at one place and save huge by paying less and by getting cashbacks in your paytm wallet. Start shopping !!


Codes applicable for this offer :


1 . Visit the offer page HERE

2 . Click on the product you wish to buy and you will see the codes applicable for the product


3 . Click Buy for.. and then apply the code you wish and get the cashback


4 . Complete your payment.

1 . Visit offer page HERE

2 . Click on the product you wish to buy and you will see the codes applicable for the product

3 . Click Buy for.. and then apply the code you wish and get the cashback

4 . Complete the payment.

1 . Visit offer page HERE

2. Click on the product you wish to buy and you will see the codes applicable for the product

3 . Click Buy for.. and then apply the code you wish and get the cashback

4 . Complete the payment.

1 . Visit offer page HERE

2. Click on the product you wish to buy and you will see the codes applicable for the product

3 . Click Buy for.. and then apply the code you wish and get the cashback

4 . Complete the payment.