Paytm is selling Nexa Premium Range Sandals at Flat Rs 122 + Rs 1 Shipping. So, Hurry up!!

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How to buy Nexa Premium Range Sandals at Flat Rs 122 + Rs 1 Shipping?

1.VISIT HERE TO BUY and Apply code- MAGIC65 to get 65% Cashback  (If you are a new paytm mall user then Apply-MALLFOOT70 to get 70% cashback)

2. Add product to cart

3. Login/Register

4. Enter your address and contact details carefully

5. Select suitable payment option and make the payment or order on Cash on Delivery if available.

6. Apply code- MAGIC65 to get 65% Cashback  (If you are a new paytm mall user then Apply-MALLFOOT70 to get 70% cashback)

7. Done