Save more on Medicines. No more heavy bills on monthly medicines. Take care of yourself and others during this lockdown period. Get 20% discount upto Rs.5000 + 30% NMS cash + 10x Rewards points on orders worth Rs.500 or more only at netmeds.

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How to Get 20% discount upto Rs.5000 + 30% NMS cash + 10x Rewards points on orders worth Rs.500 or more? :

1.  Visit here

2. Search for your medicines (eg- Write the composition like Paracetamol, Alprazolam etc)

3. Now, sort out your Medicine from the search result and add it to your cart (Rs.500 or more)

4. Login/Register

5 Enter your address and contact details carefully and apply the promo code “SCNMS050

6. Make the payment with SBI SimplyCLICK Credit card

7. Done !!

Terms & Conditions :

  • Valid till 31 May
  • Coupon code is valid once per user