Now-a-days, there are many new grocery apps which are being launched like grofers, peppertap. Ninjacart s a new app which is giving 200 credits free upon regsitering. So you can order 200 worth products for free and also get 20% cashback = Rs 40 free on delivery which you can use for your next order.
How to order Rs 200 worth products free ?
1. Download Ninja Cart app from here - Android | iOS
2. Click on "Get Started"
3. Now enter your name, mobile number and leave referral code box blank and click on "Verify"
>> If you use someone's referral code, then you will only get Rs 100 not 200. So don't use a referral code
4. You will get a pop-up message that Rs 200 as credits have been added to your account.
5. Now select your location on map of bangalore and click on "Set Delivery Address"
6. Enter address details and click on "Save"
7. Now start entering name of products you want to buy >> Checkout
8. Now you will see that you have got Rs 200 discount. Make the rest payment
Note - This app shows that you can only 50% of the credits but all credits are getting applied. So loot it bangalore people before they correct it !!