Parle Hide & Seek, one of the favorite and popular brands among the people when it comes to Biscuits/Cookies. Now buy products from Hide & Seek with Paytm offer on it and get upto 50% cashback of various denominations like Rs.12, Rs.15, Rs.25.
How to get free Paytm cash on Hide & Seek range? :
1 . Visit your nearest Grocery store or preferably Supermarket
2 . Buy the Hide & Seek product with paytm offer on the wrapper, where the code will be inside
3 . Now visit HERE to redeem the code you found in your product and click Proceed
4 . Done !! Paytm cash will be credited in the wallet.
Terms and conditions :
- Go to store and buy hide&seek paytm icon offer pack.
- Find the code on pack and visit to redeem the voucher.
- Paytm cash code can be redeemed till 20th January 2018.
- Offer valid only 1 Time per Paytm account.