Amazon quiz is now on a daily basis but only for 4 hours from 8 AM to 12 PM and a great chance to win huge prizes from Amazon. In today’s Amazon app quiz, Answer 5 simple questions  stand a chance to win a Canon EOS DSLR Camera.

Canon DSLR Camera amazon quiz

Note : Get steal deals and loots directly to your telegram. 5 lucky subscribers will get Rs 30 paytm cash every week. Join our channel now – . Know more.

How to Answer and win a Canon EOS DSLR Camera? :

1 . Download Amazon App from here

2. Open the app and you will see a banner about the Quiz. Click on it.

3. Now click on the ‘Start’ button to begin the quiz.

4 . Start answering the questions

Answers – 

Q1) The age of a star can be estimated by its color, which of these colors indicates the star is amongst the youngest?
Ans – Blue
Q2) Which of these is the Latin word for ‘eagle’?
Ans – Aquila
Q3) In terms of area, which is the largest country in the world?
Ans – Russia
Q4) What is the currency of Sweden?

Ans – Krona

Q5) The classical dance form of ‘Bharatnatyam’ comes from which state?
Ans – Tamil Nadu
After answering all 5 questions correctly, you will get a Congratulations message that you have been entered into a lucky draw. Now keep your fingers crossed and wait for the results to be announced.

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